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Quiz: Impact of Federal Courts on Law-Abiding Citizens

Do Federal Courts have an impact on the daily lives of law-abiding citizens? Review the statements below and identify the federal courts' impact. Finish by discussing other ways the federal courts have an impact on your daily life.


How do federal courts' impact your life?

Review the statements below about daily activities or events. Identify the federal courts' impact or role on each. The impact can be related to an Amendment, law, regulation, or the type of cases heard in the federal courts. Check the answers by clicking on the Impact tab.

  1. The morning news is broadcast unencumbered by governmental prior restraint.
  2. When driving to school or work you pass a federal park and admire the landscape unblemished by arson or vandalism.
  3. Your neighbor invites you to attend a naturalization ceremony.
  4. At your part-time job, federal work safety rules are enforced.
  5. In the grocery store, food products have been inspected by the Food and Drug Administration.
  6. In the mail, you find a summons calling you to serve jury duty on a federal court.
  7. You sell your original music on the Internet, and a rock group sues you for copyright infringement.
  8. Your uncle tells you that he is filing for bankruptcy.
  9. At dinner you have a glass of tap water not realizing the water is from another state.
  10. Your credit card is hacked after you shop online at a store that has its headquarters in another state.
  11. The news reports that leaders of an interstate drug ring operating in your city have been convicted and sent to prison.


How do federal courts' impact your life?

The federal courts impact or role in the activity or event is listed in bold text. The impact is related to an Amendment, law, regulation, or the type of cases heard in the federal courts.

  1. The morning news is broadcast unencumbered by governmental prior restraint.
    Federal courts hear some First Amendment cases and other Constitutional issues.
  2. When driving to school or work you pass a federal park and admire the landscape unblemished by arson or vandalism.
    Federal courts hear cases involving crimes on national park land.
  3. Your neighbor invites you to attend a naturalization ceremony.
    Federal judges have the authority to conduct swearing-in ceremonies.
  4. At your part-time job, federal work safety rules are enforced.
    Cases involving federal laws and regulations that affect workers go to federal courts.
  5. In the grocery store, food products have been inspected by the Food and Drug Administration.
    Disputes about federal regulations and food safety are heard in federal court.
  6. In the mail, you find a summons calling you to serve jury duty on a federal court.
    You are required by law to respond to jury a summons.
  7. You sell your original music on the Internet, and a rock group sues you for copyright infringement.
    Cases involving intellectual property and copyright law are handled in federal courts.
  8. Your uncle tells you that he is filing for bankruptcy.
    Federal courts hear bankruptcy cases.
  9. At dinner, you have a glass of tap water, not realizing the water is from another state.
    Federal courts hear cases on pollution and interstate water rights.
  10. Your credit card is hacked after you shop online at a store that has its headquarters in another state.
    Federal courts handle interstate commerce disputes.
  11. The news reports that leaders of an interstate drug ring operating in your city have been convicted and sent to prison.
    Interstate drug trials are heard in federal court.

DISCLAIMER: These resources are created by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts for educational purposes only. They may not reflect the current state of the law, and are not intended to provide legal advice, guidance on litigation, or commentary on any pending case or legislation.